Who We Are
"We are a church that strives to love God and love others by taking the gospel from the neighborhood to the nations"
At Maranatha, we strive to be a gospel-centered congregation. Being redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ and His grace, we want to bring Him glory and honor in all we do. This compels us to be a church that demonstrates the love of Jesus through our love for each other, the community around us, and the world (John 13:35).
We want to cultivate a biblical and healthy church culture for believers to unite under and thrive within. We maintain the belief that the gathering of fellow Christians in the worship setting is to be for the singing of His praises, offering up of prayers, hearing His Word correctly taught, sharing in the ordinances (baptism and the Lord's Supper), and encouraging one another to live out the faith we profess. We exist to promote and proclaim the good news of Jesus as the only means of relationship with God and the only true way we can live a life of love for others.
In light of our reverence for the worship service and specifically the preaching of the Word of God, we believe in "rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). We practice this by the primary use of Christ-centered expository preaching in our worship service. Expository preaching is a unique term that means we "exposit" or "expose" the text of scripture in our gatherings. This includes explaining the background, setting, and context of a specific part of the Bible while also connecting it to the main themes of the whole of scripture. By "Christ-centered" we mean that we strive to elaborate on and preach the central narrative or story of scripture. The Bible tells an unfolding story of God's redemption and restoration of sinful humanity culminating in the person and work of Jesus. It is this gospel that we strive to preach and teach in our services.
It is our prayer that the overwhelming beauty of Christ be lifted high in everything done at Maranatha. We trust that through the transforming power of the Spirit, the preached word, and the sovereign grace of God, people from every nation, tribe, and tongue will be drawn to the Father.