Our launch took place on September 5th! We had over 30 people in attendance. This ministry is to help with those in addiction and recovery. Our mission is for them to find The hope we have in Jesus.

This ministry meets every Thursday night from 6:30pm-8:00pm. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, see Elder Jason Bailey.

Our current needs: people to provide dinner either through donating money to the ministry or cooking meals. We also need assistance in kid’s ministry for those nights as well. See Allison Sinkhorn if you are interested in helping with the kids on Thursday nights.

church Workday


Come join us for Bojangles breakfast at

8:00am. We will begin working on the church property at 8:30am.

We need help with deep cleaning, flowerbeds, pruning, organizing, and other things to spruce up the property.